Rothschild Family Bibliography
A list, arranged in alphabetical order of title, of works authored by members of the Rothschild family.
Use the dropdown box below to filter by name of author.
1848: Kossuth et Metternich
Rene Julliard Paris 1962 pp.42-54
Philippe Georges de Rothschild Philippe de Rothschild et al Christopher Fry et la comédie des saisons Notes available More information -
30 melodies
Durand, Schounewerk Paris 112pp.
Hannah Mathilde (Mathilde) von Rothschild Music by Hannah Mathilde von Rothschild and verse by Oskar von Redwitz More information -
A bird flea new to Britain
Whole Earth Fall 2000
Miriam Louisa Rothschild More information -
A British specimen of Turdus dauma aureus Holandre
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club vol.49 1929 p.58
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A Buckinghamshire story of 1663
Watson and Hazell (printer) Aylesbury 1875 112pp.
Constance (Connie) de Rothschild Notes available More information -
A butterfly feeding on froghopper larva (Cercopidae) secretion
The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine vol.96 no.1153 June 1960 p.130
Miriam Louisa Rothschild with Charles Lane More information -
A butterfly in nails
Animals vol.11 no.9 January 1969 pp.416-417
Miriam Louisa Rothschild More information -
A butterfly migration to welcome delegates to the XI Entomological Congress
The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine vol.96 nos. 1154-1156 July-September 1960 p.191
Miriam Louisa Rothschild With Charles Lane More information -
A case of Müllerian mimicry of sound
Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society (London) Series A, vol.40 nos. 10-12 December 1965 pp.156-158
Miriam Louisa Rothschild More information -
A casual view of America: the home letters of Salomon de Rothschild 1859-1861
Stanford University Press Stanford CA 1961 136pp.
Salomon James de Rothschild Translated and edited by Sigmund Diamond Notes available More information -
A choline ester and other substances in the garden tiger moth, Arctia caja (L.)
Journal of Physiology vol.146 1959 pp.38-39
Miriam Louisa Rothschild with G.W. Bisset, J.F.D. Frazer and M. Schacter More information -
A classification of living animals
Longmans, Green and Co. London 1961 106pp.
Nathaniel Mayer (Victor) Rothschild Notes available More information -
A collection of birds from Hainan (with descriptions of two new species and seven new subspecies)
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club vol.14 1903 pp.6-9
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A collection of fleas from the bodies of British birds, with notes on their distribution and host preferences
Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Entomology vol.2 no.4 February 1952 pp.185-232
Miriam Louisa Rothschild More information -
A collection of Lepidoptera from S.W.Celebes
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1892 pp.14-16
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A colour atlas of insect tissues via the flea
Wolfe Publishing London 1986 184pp.
Miriam Louisa Rothschild with Yosef Schlein and Susumo Ito Notes available More information -
A correction: Sylvia undata maroccana renamed S.u. tingitana
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club vol.52 1932 p.105
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A curious Rhipidura from Kapaur, Western New Guinea
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club vol.38 1918 pp.57-58
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A curious variety of the blackbird at Tring Park
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club vol.53 1932 p.238
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A cyanoglucoside stored by a Sedum-feeding apollo butterfly, Parnassius phoebus
Experientia vol.51 no.3 1995 pp.267-269
Miriam Louisa Rothschild More information -
A cyanoglucoside, sarmentosin, from the magpie moth, Abraxas grossulariata , geometridae: Lepidoptera
Phytochemistry vol.36 no.1 May 1994 pp.37-38
Miriam Louisa Rothschild with Rosemary Mummery and Ritsuo Nishida More information -
A danaid Müllerian mimic, Euploea core amymone (Cramer) lacking cardenolides in the pupal and adult stages
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society of London vol.19 1983 pp.27-33
Miriam Louisa Rothschild with S. Malcolm More information -
A divergence hypothesis
Journal of Development Economics vol.23 1986 pp.205-226
Emma Georgina Rothschild More information -
A diversity of birds
Umberleigh Press (an imprint of Headstart History) Oxford 1994
Miriam Louisa Rothschild George Stebbing-Allen. Illustrated by by Martin Woodcock and Stephen Lings and with an introduction by Miriam Rothschild More information -
A female of the crimson speckled footman (Utethsia pulchella L.) captured at Ashton Wold
Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society (London) Series C, vol.26 no.9 January 1961 pp.35-36
Miriam Louisa Rothschild More information -
A female specimen of Pulex irritans found in a Viking pit in Ireland
Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society (London) series C, vol. 38 no.7 December 1973 p.29
Miriam Louisa Rothschild More information -
A few additional notes on the birds of Rossel Island, Louisiade group
Novitates Zoologicae vol.25 1918 pp.311-312
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A form of 'nettle rash' produced by the imago of the privet hawk moth (Sphinx ligustri L.)
Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society (London) Series C, vol.24 no.6 October 1959 p.23
Miriam Louisa Rothschild More information -
A fruit diet for the caterpillar of the white ermine moth (Spilosoma lubricipeda (L.) = menthastri (Esp.)) (Lep. Arctiidae)
The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine vol.95 no.1136 January 1959 p.13
Miriam Louisa Rothschild With Charles Lane More information -
A further note on Ceratophyllus rusticus Wagner (1903) (Siphonaptera) at Ashton Wold
The Entomologist vol.96 July 1963 pp.159-161
Miriam Louisa Rothschild More information -
A further note on insect migration on the north coast of France
The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine vol.99 Aug/Sept/Oct. 1963 pp.163-164
Miriam Louisa Rothschild More information -
A further note on life-history experiments with Cryptocotyle lingua (Creplin, 1825)
Journal of Parasitology vol.28 no.1 February 1942 pp.91-92
Miriam Louisa Rothschild More information -
A further note on Moroccan zygaenas
Annals and magazine of natural history series 9, vol.15 1925 p.269
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A further note on the excretory system of Maritrema Nicoll, 1907 (Trematoda)
Annals and Magazine of Natural History Series 11, vol.1 no.2 February 1938 pp.238-239
Miriam Louisa Rothschild More information -
A further note on the increase of hares (Lepus europaeus) in France
Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London vol.131 no.2 September 1958 pp.328-329
Miriam Louisa Rothschild More information -
A gigantic new species of Centropus: C. albidiventris
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club vol.14 1904 p.59
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A gilt-edged life: memoir
John Murray London 1998 243pp.
Edmund Leopold (Eddy) de Rothschild assisted by George Ireland and with a foreword by Leopold de Rothschild Notes available More information -
A Japanese specimen of Diomedea immutabilis
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club vol.3 1894 p.47
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A joint framework for social policies: report by the Central Policy Review Staff
Her Majesty's Stationery Office London 1975 17pp.
Nathaniel Mayer (Victor) Rothschild Notes available More information -
À l'aube d'une guerre: poèmes
Henri Javal Paris 1950 42pp.
Philippe Georges de Rothschild Illustrated by Mario Avati Notes available More information -
A large migration of the seven-spot ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata L.) at Deauville, France
The Entomologist vol.104 nos.1293-1295 Feb-April 1971 pp.45-46
Miriam Louisa Rothschild More information -
A liberating aerial bombardment
The Scientist July 1987 p.17
Miriam Louisa Rothschild More information -
A man of vision (Charles Rothschild and the Society for the Promotion of Nature Reserves)
Natural World (Lincoln) no.15 1985 pp.54-56
Miriam Louisa Rothschild Notes available More information -
A miscellany of studies in Romance languages & literatures
W. Heffer Cambridge 1932 576pp.
James Armand Edmond (Jimmy) de Rothschild edited and with a preface by Mary Williams and James A. de Rothschild Presented to Leon E. Kastner, Professor of French Language and Literature at the University of Manchester Notes available More information -
A monograph of Charaxes and the allied prionopterous genera
Novitates Zoologicae vol. 5, 6 and 7 (3) 1898-1900 pp.545-601; 220-226; 281-524
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild with Karl Jordan More information -
A monograph of the genus Casuarius . With a dissertation on the morphology and phylogeny of the Palæognathæ (Ratitæ and Crypturi) and Neognathæ (Carinatæ)
Transactions of the Zoological Society of London vol.15 part 5, no.1 December 1900 pp.109-290
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild with William P. Pycraft Notes available More information -
A naturalist in cannibal land
T. Fisher Unwin London 1913 238pp.
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild Albert Stewart Meek. Edited by Frank Fox with an introduction by Walter Rothschild More information -
A new aegeriid
Novitates Zoologicae vol.16 1909 p.132
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A new African bat-flea Chiropteropsylla brockmani sp.nov.
The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 2nd series vol.26 (vol 51) November 1915 pp.304-305
Nathaniel (Charles) Rothschild More information -
A new African Melanitis
Novitates Zoologicae vol.11 1904 p.451
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A new albatross: Thalassogeron carteri
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club vol.14 1903 p.6
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A new bird from Buru: Madanga (gen. n.) ruficollis
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club vol.43 1923 p.117
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A new bird of paradise
Novitates Zoologicae vol.2 no.2 1895 pp.59-60
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A new bird of paradise: Lophorina minor latipennis, Rawlinson Mountains, German New Guinea
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club vol.19 1907 p.92
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A new bird of paradise: Paradisea apoda subintermedia
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club vol.41 1921 pp.138-139
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A new British flea
The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation vol. 12 no.1 1900 pp.19-20
Nathaniel (Charles) Rothschild More information -
A new British flea
The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation vol.13 no.12 1901 p.362
Nathaniel (Charles) Rothschild More information -
A new British flea (Typhlopsylla dasycnema, sp.nov.)
The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation Vol.9 no.7 1897 p.159
Nathaniel (Charles) Rothschild More information -
A new British flea (Typhlopsylla pentacanthus)
The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation Vol.9 no.3 1897 p.55
Nathaniel (Charles) Rothschild More information -
A new British flea (Typhlopsylla spectabilis, sp.nov.)
The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation vol.10 no.10 1898 p.250
Nathaniel (Charles) Rothschild More information -
A new British flea, Ceratophyllus dalei , sp.nov
The Entomologist vol. 36 1903 pp.297-298
Nathaniel (Charles) Rothschild More information -
A new British flea; Ceratophyllus londiniensis
The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation vol.15 1903 pp.64-65
Nathaniel (Charles) Rothschild More information -
A new British flea: Ceratophyllu borealis , sp. Nov.
The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 2nd series vol.18 January pp.11
Nathaniel (Charles) Rothschild More information -
A new British flea: Ceratophyllus farreni , sp. Nov.
The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 2nd series vol. 16 1905 pp.255-256
Nathaniel (Charles) Rothschild More information -
A new British flea: Ceratophyllus insularis , spec. nov.
The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 2nd series vol. 17 March 1906 pp.59-60
Nathaniel (Charles) Rothschild More information -
A new British flea: Ornithopsylla ,gen. nov.
The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 2nd series vol. 19 October 1908 pp.231-233
Nathaniel (Charles) Rothschild More information -
A new British flea: Typhlopsylla isacanthus, sp. Nov.
The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 2nd series vol.18 February 1907 pp.41-42
Nathaniel (Charles) Rothschild More information -
A new duck: Anas laysanensis
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club vol.1 1892 p.17
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A new Egyptian flea Pulex chersinus sp.nov.
The Entomologist vol.39 1906 p.75
Nathaniel (Charles) Rothschild More information -
A new flea from California Ceratophyllus franciscanus, spec.nov.
The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 2nd series vol.21 (vol.46) April 1910 pp.88-89
Nathaniel (Charles) Rothschild More information -
A new flycatcher from Australia: Microeca flavigaster laetissima
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club vol.37 1916 p.4
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A new form of amblyornis: A. subalaris germanus
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club vol.27 1910 pp.13-14
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A new form of Attacus
Novitates Zoologicae vol.17 1910 p.507
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A new form of bed-bug: Cacodmus ignotus, sp.nov.
The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 2nd series vol.23 April 1912 pp.85-86
Nathaniel (Charles) Rothschild More information -
A new form of casowary: Casuarius casuarius lateralis
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club vol.46 1925 p.30
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A new form of Diacaeum: D. geelvinkianum rosseli
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club vol.35 1914 p.32
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild With Ernst Hartert More information -
A new form of kingfisher: Ceyx solitaria mulcata
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club vol.35 1914 pp.24-25
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild with Ernst Hartert More information -
A new form of Lioptilus: L. abyssinicus ansorgei
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club vol.38 1918 p.78
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A new form of lory: Eos variegata obiensis ; and exhibition of Scolopax saturata, New Guinea, and Neoscolopax rochusseni, Obi Major
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club vol.10 1899 p.16
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A new form of Prothoë from the Solomon Islands
Novitates Zoologicae vol.11 1904 pp.366
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A new form of wryneck: Iynx torquilla mauretanica
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club vol.23 1909 p.103
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A new genus and species of bird from New Zealand: Traversia lyalli
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club vol.4 1894 pp.10-11
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A new genus and species of bird of paradise: Loboparadisea sericea
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club vol.6 1896 pp.15-16
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A new genus and species of Fringilline bird from the Sandwich Islands: Psuedonestor xanthophrys
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club vol.1 1893 pp.35-36
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild Ernst Hartert More information -
A new ground-pigeon: Otidiphaps nobilis aruensis
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club vol.48 1928 p.88
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A new Indian bed-bug: Clinocoris peristerae sp. Nov.
The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 2nd series vol.23 April 1912 p.87
Nathaniel (Charles) Rothschild More information -
A new land tortoise from the Galapagos Islands
Novitates Zoologicae vol.8 1901 p.372
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A new Listropsylla and the [male] of Ctenophthalmus calceatus, Waterst. (1912), both from South Africa
The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 2nd series vol.24 September 1913 pp.207-208
Nathaniel (Charles) Rothschild More information -
A new look at Lepidoptera toxins
Symposia of the Royal Entomological Society of London no.11 1984 pp.135-139
Miriam Louisa Rothschild with N.Marsh and F. Evans More information -
A new Madagascar arctiid
Annals and magazine of natural history series 8, vol. 8 1911 p.255
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A new manometric method for determination of respiratory quotients
Biochemical Journal vol.45 no.5 1949 pp.598-612
Nathaniel Mayer (Victor) Rothschild With H. Laser More information -
A new method of measuring the activity of spermatozoa
Journal of Experimental Biology vol.30 no.2 1953 pp.178-199
Nathaniel Mayer (Victor) Rothschild More information -
A new Monarcha from Rossel Island
Novitates Zoologicae vol.23 1916 p.297
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A new mutant of Danaus plexippus ssp. erippus (Cramer)
Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society vol.34 no.2 1980 pp.224-229
Miriam Louisa Rothschild With C.A. Clarck More information -
A new Papilio from Africa
The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine second series vol.19 (vol.44) 1908 pp.249-250
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A new parrot from the Philippines: Prioniturus waterstradti
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club vol.14 1904 pp.71-72
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A new parrot: Charmosyna stellae wahnesi
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club vol.17 1906 pp.27-28
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A new petrel and a new spider-hunter
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club vol.27 1911 pp.43-44
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A new pigeon from Sumba: Ptilopus dohertyi
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club vol.5 1896 p.46
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild More information -
A new pigeon: Henicophaps foersteri
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club vol.17 1906 p.28
Lionel Walter (Walter) Rothschild with Ernst Hartert More information